Explore Ovaherero People Culture & Traditions
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The Herero rely on their livestock for the majority of their food. These animals provide crucial nourishment through their meat and milk. They ensure the full utilization of slaughtered animals. The skin is repurposed into mats, while the tail serves various traditional functions, occasionally being used as a broom for their huts
The women's distinctive Victorian-style dress is known as "Ozonde".Ovaherero added a distinctive horn-like headscarf known as "Otjikaiva".
Otjikaiva is typically crafted from fabric matching the dress. This horned feature symbolizes the revered cattle, representing wealth and status within their communities.
Over time, the dress patterns have evolved, and the otjikaiva has taken on a more defined shape.
These dresses have become a canvas for vibrant colors and incorporate various modern patterns, showcasing the Ovaherero's adaptation to contemporary influences while preserving their cultural identity.
Traditional Dance

During "Omuhiva" dance, a men emulate the movements of cattle. They do this by stamping their feet, kicking up dust mimicking the upraised horns through swaying motions.

During "Outjina", a female leads. Dancer ties long flat wooden piece to her feet, creating captivating sounds while stamping. Others form a circle around the main dancer,singing, and clapping.
Oviritje Music
Oviritje music, while initially performed without instruments, today, keyboardists, producers, and both male and female artists contribute to this genre. Scroll below to see and listen to the music.
In the early 2000s, groups like OBullet, OThe-wire, and Okazera were prominent, but solo artists have become more prevalent. People now commission songs for special occasions like weddings, birthdays, or graduations.
However, older generations still tend to prefer Herero hymns from the bible, outjina, and muhiva, over Oviritje.
Learn Otjiherero
When the news arrive that the person is no more, people gather at the person's house from that same day.
New Mother
The whole process used to take up to 4months. The mom and the new born will just be in the house , not allowed to move around.